RBHS Student Handbook » Activities - Athletic / Activity Code of Conduct

Activities - Athletic / Activity Code of Conduct

School Board policy 7:240 requires the Superintendent or designee, using input from coaches and sponsors of extracurricular activities, to develop a conduct code for all participants in extracurricular activities consistent with Board of Education policy and the rules adopted by any association in which the School District maintains a membership. 
This Code of Conduct: (1) requires participants in extracurricular activities to conduct themselves as good citizens and exemplars of their school at all times and places, including after school, on days when school is not in session, during summer and other school breaks, and on or off school property; (2) emphasizes that hazing and bullying activities are strictly prohibited; and (3) notifies participants that failure to abide by the conduct code could result in removal from the activity. 
To participate in the Riverside Brookfield extracurricular program, students and their parents must commit to follow all policies, procedures, regulations, and rules established by the school or the program in which the student participates, including this Code of Conduct. Violations of this Code of Conduct include, but are not limited to:
  • Gross misconduct, which is conduct that interferes with, disrupts, or adversely affects the school environment and/or operations, as defined by Board policy, including Board policy 7:190, building handbooks, procedures, and/or rules, and/or rules for the particular extracurricular activity.

  • Conduct unbecoming, such as but not limited to the misuse of the RBHS electronic policy, i.g. related social media disruptions or violations. Inappropriate behavior and or non-compliant behavior, such as disrespecting an adult.

  • Possession, purchase, consumption, or supplying to other students of tobacco, alcohol, steroids, drugs, or paraphernalia, any “look alike” tobacco, nicotine products, alcohol, steroids, drugs, and/or any substance that the student believes or intends to have an intoxicating effect and that is not prescribed to the student and permitted to be used or carried at the time or place. -

  • Note: The District often learns of Code of Conduct violations through reciprocal agreements with local law enforcement for infractions off school grounds and infractions at school-sponsored events.  

This Code of Conduct is enforced at all times and places, including after school, on days when school is not in session, during summer and other school breaks, and on or off school property. Students who violate any of the policies, procedures, regulations, or rules, including this Code of Conduct, may face disciplinary action both in school and with respect to the extracurricular activities in which they participate. 
The following are disciplinary consequences that will be imposed for first, second, and third Code of Conduct Offenses, although more severe discipline than the penalties described may be imposed if warranted by the circumstances:
Student Participation First Offense Second Offense Third Offense
IHSA Athletic Activities (The length of an athletic season is calculated by the IHSA calendar per sport) - Suspension from 50% of an athletic season's competitions
- Possible reduction
- One full school year suspension (3 consecutive sport seasons) from all RBHS athletics 
- Possible reduction
- Loss of all athletic privileges at RBHS 
Non-Athletic Activities  - 30 total hours of community service must be completed prior to continuing participation. 
- Possible reduction
- 60 total hours of community service must be completed prior to continuing participation.
- Possible reduction
- Loss of all extracurricular privileges at RBHS 
Suspensions from athletic competitions will be served immediately and consecutively. A student may not transfer a consequence earned in one student participation category to another. For example, athletes who violate the code of conduct cannot elect to join a non-athletic activity in order to transfer the consequence to the non-athletic activity and continue in the athletic activity without consequence. In that scenario, the student would receive the consequence in both the athletic and extra-curricular activity. Please note that discipline imposed during one season/year that may not be completed during that season/year will carry over to the next season/year.
If a student is not currently participating in any extracurricular activities and engages in conduct that would violate the Code of Conduct, the consequences will be enforced to the full extent allowed by law for up to one calendar year from the date of violation should the student decide to begin participating in an extracurricular activity. 
Where community service is required as part of a consequence, a student is not permitted to participate in an extracurricular activity until the student has completed the community service requirement.
The following are the possible reductions available for each type of infraction
Student Participation First Offense Second Offense Third Offense
IHSA Athletic Activities - Suspension may be   reduced to twenty-five percent of an athletic season's competitions  - Suspension may be reduced to fifty percent of a full school year’s competitions (1.5 sport seasons).  - No reduction possible
Non-Athletic Activities  - Consequence may be reduced to 15 hours of community service - Consequence may be reduced to 30 hours of community service - No reduction possible 
Reductions will not always be offered even where possible. The administration has sole discretion to determine if a reduction will be offered based on the nature of the infraction and the circumstances surrounding it. For alcohol and drug-related violations, a student may be offered a reduction only if he or she agrees to successfully participate in an organized program with a Certified Alcohol & Drug Counselor or completes a 3rd Millennium Program in ADA. Failure to complete an agreed-to program will lead to reinstatement of the full, original consequence. Where community service is required as part of a reduction, a student is not permitted to participate in an extracurricular activity until the student has completed the community service requirement.
  • EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES/NON-COMPETITIVE LEADERS/PRESIDENTS: Consequences for lack of exemplary behavior (first offense) is permanent removal from the LEADERSHIP POSITION, effective immediately. They may continue to be members in the EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES/NON-COMPETITIVE group but are unable to hold an officer position. Second offense violations will be removal from the group for the remainder of the year.

  • STUDENT PARTICIPATION IN ANY ATHLETIC OR EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES/NON-COMPETITIVE ACTIVITY: Student participation in any athletic or Extra Curricular activities/non-competitive activity requires a student to be present in school for 50% of their classes or in attendance due to participation in a school-sponsored activity on the day of a practice, dance, event, contest, or competition.

  • STUDENT ABSENCES AND PARTICIPATION IN ANY EXTRACURRICULAR OR ATHLETIC ACTIVITY: Students must contact their coach, sponsor, or an administrator on the day of a practice or event to report that they have missed 50% of the school day. This is true whether the practice or event is before or after school. The goal is to have the students stay home in order to get well, concentrate on lessons they missed that day, and limit the spread of illness to teammates. Students may be denied participation in the event if the above criteria aren’t met.