RBHS Student Handbook » Student Conduct and Behavioral Expectations

Student Conduct and Behavioral Expectations


It is the policy of RB to encourage high standards of student behavior in school, at school-sponsored activities home and away, and in the community.  Student conduct should demonstrate self-control and respect for classmates, faculty and other school personnel.  We believe that high school years represent a period of crucial intellectual, emotional, and physical development.  To help all students develop an attitude of responsibility for their actions as individuals and group members, a set of guidelines in disciplinary procedures are necessary so that the rights of all can be guaranteed in a safe and orderly learning environment.  We apply a system of growth-based discipline which includes appropriate consequences for infractions and frequently includes the full range of social service personnel and parent partnering.

Rules are detailed to outline parameters of appropriate behavior for all students.  Legal requirements of “in loco parentis” charge adult employees with the responsibility of enforcing established rules throughout the building and on school property.  Teachers establish, within the classroom, an atmosphere which is conducive to learning.  The teachers have primary responsibility and authority for classroom management of individual student behaviors.

Classroom Dishonesty
Riverside Brookfield High School believes that learning best occurs in an atmosphere of academic honesty in which students have developed a high sense of responsibility and exhibit a high standard of integrity. This is accomplished through the cooperative efforts of parents, students, and staff. Riverside Brookfield will not tolerate academic dishonesty.
Definition and Examples of Academic Dishonesty
Academic dishonesty occurs when a student obtains,  attempts to obtain,  assists another in obtaining, or attempts to assist another in obtaining credit for work that is not the student’s own work.  
Examples of Academic Dishonesty include but are not limited to doing or attempting to do any of the following:
  1. Copying from another student’s test or quiz or helping another student during a test or quiz  without express permission of the teacher.

  2. Attaining unauthorized information about a test or quiz or providing other students with unauthorized information regarding a test or quiz, without the express permission of the teacher.

  3. Submitting another student’s work or portions of another student’s work as one’s own.

  4. Unauthorized use of a crib sheet or other unauthorized notes, aids, or materials during a test or quiz.

  5. Plagiarizing or presenting material taken from another source without appropriate documentation.

  6. Changing answers on a test, assignment, paper, or project after grading and then protesting the grade assigned.

  7. Using programmable calculators, cell phones, or other electronic devices in an academically dishonest manner.

  8. In any way using dishonest, deceptive, or fraudulent means to obtain or attempt to obtain credit for academic work.

Responsibilities of Staff Concerning Academic Dishonesty
When a staff member suspects or becomes aware of an allegation that a student has engaged in academic dishonesty as defined above, the staff member will do the following:
  1. The staff member will make a copy of the assignment and note on the copy the alleged academic dishonesty believed to have occurred. If a determination is made that academic dishonesty occurred, the copy will be retained as part of the student’s temporary student record file.

  2. The staff member will speak with the student to inquire whether the infraction occurred. If a student admits to the conduct, a finding that acadedemic dishonesty occurred will be made.

  3. If the student denies the conduct, the staff member will contact the Principal, who will either conduct an investigation or designate another administrator or staff member to do so. If the investigation establishes that an infraction occurred, a finding that academic dishonesty occurred will be made.

  4. If a determination is made that the academic dishonesty occurred, the staff member will contact the student’s parent/guardian to notify them of the finding. Parents/guardians who are notified that their student has engaged in academic dishonesty may request that the student speak with a counselor regarding the academic dishonesty, and such requests will be honored if possible.

  5. If a determination is made that academic dishonesty occurred, the staff member will complete an appropriate “academic dishonesty referral” in Skyward and will notify the student’s Dean and the Instructional Coach  of the infraction. The staff member will not discuss the academic dishonesty situation with other staff members unless expressly authorized by the Dean, the Instructional Coach, or another administrator.

  6. The staff member will determine, with the help of the Dean and the Instructional Coach if necessary, whether previous academic dishonesty referrals have been entered for the student. Based on the number of academic dishonesty referrals the student has previously received, a consequence will be imposed based on the following guidelines.

Academic Dishonesty Consequences
The consequences for academic dishonesty are listed below. The consequences are cumulative throughout the student’s time at RBHS, regardless of what course, department, or school year the incident occurs in. The consequences are not discretionary and will be imposed any time a student is found to have engaged in academic dishonesty on, such as, but not limited to tests, quizzes, papers, and projects.

1st Offense Zero grade on assignment
Parent contact by teacher
Academic Referral registered in Skyward 
Notification to the Instructional Coach
Will be removed from membership or will be ineligible for National Honor Society their junior year 
Will be ineligible for Departmental Honors or Recognition for that subject area
Loss of final exam exemption privilege for that subject area
2nd Offense Zero grade on assignment
Parent face-to-face with Teacher/Counselor/Administrator
Academic Referral registered in Skyward
Notification to the Instructional Coach
Will be removed from membership or eligibility for NHS    
Will be ineligible for all Departmental Honors or Recognition
Loss of final exam exemption privilege for that subject area
3rd  + Offense Zero grade on assignment
Parent face-to-face with Teacher/Counselor/Administrator
Academic Referral registered in Skyward
Notification to the Instructional Coach
Will receive failing grade for the quarter
Loss of all final exam exemption privileges 

Students who wish to appeal their academic dishonesty charge must do so in writing to the Principal within five days of the point of notification to the student of the finding that academic dishonesty occurred. The appeal and their right to appeal and appeal procedure will be addressed by the Principal and the decision of the Principal will be final and non-appealable.
At the beginning of a lab class, all students are required to read, sign, and turn in a lab safety contract. Lab classrooms include, but are not limited to Science Labs, Computer Labs, Fine Arts Labs, Workshops, and Auto Lab. Once the student signs the safety contract, if applicable, they are bound to that agreement, and any violation of that contract could result in immediate removal from class and a failing grade for the assignment or class. If the behavior puts another student or the teacher at risk, or becomes malicious, disciplinary action will take place. If students do not follow the safety expectations, they may be removed from the activity and receive a failing grade. Phone calls home, fines for damage to property, detentions and removal from class with a failing grade are some, but not all of the consequences a student may receive for failure to comply with safety expectations in any learning environment. 

Activity Restriction is a disciplinary consequence which may be imposed for academic, attendance or behavioral-related concerns deemed inappropriate or unacceptable by the Administration.  Activity Restriction is defined as a restriction from all extracurricular activities and athletic events for a specific period of time, and not to exceed one calendar year.  Students on Activity Restriction will not be allowed to attend club or organization meetings or gatherings, to attend dances or prom, to participate in academic competitions, to practice with athletic teams, or to participate in or attend athletic contests for the entire time of restriction.  In summary, a student on Activity Restriction is only permitted on the school grounds during school hours. Students who fail to serve their detentions will be considered for Activity Restriction. 

A Building Restriction is when a student’s behavior warrants removal from the building outside of the normal school day. Students on building restriction will not be allowed in the building unless under direct adult staff supervision prior to 7:50 a.m. and after 3:05 p.m. The length of the restriction will be determined by the Administration. Students on Building Restriction may be required to report to the Main Office or Student Services at the start and end of their day, as determined by the Administration.

Procedure for Activity Restriction
  1. Immediate notification will be made to the student’s coach, sponsor, and/or advisor and the parent will be contacted by email, phone, voicemail, or mailed letter.

  2. Parent appeals must be in writing to the Principal within 24 hours following notification.  The decision of the Principal will be final and non-appealable.

Students are required to use the proper title at all times when speaking to staff members (Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr.). Adults are not to be addressed by their first or last names only.

Students are expected to maintain appropriate behavior while on buses. A violation may result in suspension of bus privileges and a suspension from school. All passengers must wear seatbelts at all times while riding the school buses. 

District 208’s policy prohibits the use of corporal punishment or use of force except in those cases where the staff, in meeting their legal responsibilities, may have to use physical restraint in case of self-defense, to protect persons and property, and to maintain order.

All RB students who bring an out-of-RB guest to a school dance or other school-sponsored event where guest passes are required must have an approved Guest Permission Slip turned in to the Main Office five school days prior to the dance. The guest must be under the age of 21 on the day of the event. No exceptions. Only one guest pass is allowed per RBHS student in attendance. Any student violating this rule will be denied access to the dance. Any student determined to be wearing inappropriate clothing will be asked to correct the concern. Students will be asked to leave the event if they do not adhere to these expectations. Refunds will not be issued to any student being asked to leave the dance, for any reason. All school rules will apply to all dances and will be enforced at all school-sponsored dances, as determined by the Administration. Inappropriate dancing, will not be allowed. Any person entering the dance must have a valid photo ID or they will not be allowed to enter the dance. The doors will be closed and locked 30 minutes after the dance starts.  No one will be allowed to enter the dance after the doors are closed and locked.

The Dean of Students will oversee student attendance and discipline.  Verification of student absences will be handled by a Dean of Students.  All discipline referrals will be initiated through the Dean’s Office.

Administrative detentions must be served in the building location and time specified in the detention notice.  Administrative detentions may result from students not serving teacher detentions or from some other form of misconduct handled directly by an administrator. Failure to serve an Administrative Detention may result in an Alternative Day Assignment (ADA) or Out-of-School Suspension (OSS). Students removed from Administrative Detention for misbehavior may receive an ADA or OSS.
Any student assigned Lunch Detention is not allowed in the seating area of the cafeteria.  The students must arrive to the detention location within the first 10 minutes of the period to receive credit. Any student found to be in the eating area of the cafeteria may be issued an additional Lunch Detention. 
Detentions will be held from 8:00 – 8:40 a.m. every Thursday in the Dean’s Office.
Rules for Detentions: ADL &  ADA
Alternative Day Assignment ADA: Students who are assigned an ADA should report to room 250 by 8:00 a.m.  ADA for all students will run until 3:15p.m. Students who complete a restorative behavior packet may be released at 3:05p.m. pending administrative approval.
  1. Students must come prepared to do school-related work.

  2. No talking is allowed.

  3. Sleeping is prohibited.

  4. Use of cell phones and other electronic devices is prohibited.

  5. All school rules apply.

Teachers may assign detentions to be served in their own rooms.  Generally these detentions are given to students for behavior deemed disruptive to learning.  Unserved detentions will result in two detentions – ADL or all day ADA, and/or parking passes revoked for a period of time to be determined by the Administration. Failure to serve a teacher detention will result in two Administrative Detentions.

Riverside Brookfield High School prides itself on its reputation of being an excellent school. In order to maintain and enhance this reputation, it is necessary that students conduct themselves in a responsible, safe, and mature manner while at the school’s campus and at all school-related activities. The school Discipline Policy is presented below so that students and parents will understand the expected standards of student behavior.

The set of misconduct rules or guidelines set down in this handbook establishes the groundwork for fair, consistent, progressive and firm disciplinary actions.  All disciplinary action will be subject to discussion, and the final dispositions will be determined by the Administration. The discipline section of this handbook is to act as a guide, and individual cases may warrant a modification of the consequences listed per offense. Restitution for damage to property will be assessed, when applicable. Community service hours within the building may also be a part of a student’s consequence, as determined by the Administration. Local authorities will be called to the school to determine if an arrest or Local Ordinance ticket will be issued. Law enforcement will be called for, but not limited to, a violation of the following offenses: drug-related issues, fights, verbal altercations, classroom disturbances, cyber-bullying, and theft. The School Discipline Code shall apply to prohibited conduct occurring within 1,000 feet of school grounds or prohibited conduct that is plainly visible to a person situated on school grounds, even if the misconduct occurs off of school property. All rules apply to any event where RBHS is a participant. 

Mandatory groups (afternoon meetings) with the Counselor, school Social Worker, Psychologist, or Administrator may occur for students who have an excessive number of referrals. Such meetings may reduce the length of the suspension. At least one custodial parent may be required to attend these meetings with their child. 

For purpose of these rules, the term “possession”includes having control, custody, or care, currently or in the past, of an object or substance, including situations in which the item is (a) on the student’s person; (b) contained in another item belonging to, or under the control of, the student, such as in the student’s clothing, backpack, or automobile; (c) in a student’s locker, desk, or other school property; (d) at any location on school property or at a school-sponsored event; or (e) in the case of drugs and alcohol, substances ingested by the person.

DISCIPLINE / BEHAVIORAL EXPECTATIONS (Refer to Board Policy 7:190 for additional information)
As a general policy, students are expected to:
  1. Maintain regular daily attendance.

  2. Be on time and prepared for all classes by bringing the required instructional materials, such as but not limited to fully charged Chromebooks, graphing calculators, and textbooks.

  3. Conduct themselves in a manner which reflects courtesy, decency, and a sensitivity to the rights and needs of others.

  4. Respond courteously and promptly to requests of faculty and staff.

  5. Help keep the school clean, e.g., return the lunch eating area to the same condition it was upon arrival.

  6. Follow school regulations and procedures, and ask questions of any faculty member to clarify expectations.

  7. Refrain from loud noises or conversations that are disruptive to the school’s environment.

  8. Walk at all times; running is dangerous and unacceptable, unless under the supervision or direction of a staff member.

Unacceptable behavior will result in disciplinary action as noted in Disciplinary Measures and includes but is not limited to:
  1. Refusal to comply with reasonable directions of school personnel/ insubordination.

  2. Statements or actions which are disrespectful of others or the building facilities

  3. Conduct or conspiring behavior that substantially threatens to or disrupts the educational process and/or the rights of other students or school personnel

  4. Truancy or excessive tardiness. Truant students are also subject to the truancy ordinances of all the communities served by District 208 (refer to Truancy)

  5. Attempt or actual unauthorized entry into any school building, or school grounds during such times when school is not in session, or a school sanctioned or permitted function or activity is not in session, entry into any restricted or general school area or any classroom or other room, when school is in session, or not in session where a student is not scheduled to be or directed to be by a teacher, school staff or Administration, coach or official or where a teacher, school staff or Administrator, coach or official or other authorized adult has told the student not to enter or to exit.

  6. Leaving school premises or being outside of the building without permission (refer to CLOSED CAMPUS) will result in any outside food or drinks being discarded. Students will be searched if they re-enter the building.

  7. Use of vulgar or obscene language either orally or in writing (refer to INAPPROPRIATE LANGUAGE)

  8. Lewd or obscene conduct or behavior

  9. Endangering the safety and welfare of the school community, including threatening or inflicting bodily harm or physical violence upon the person of any student or employee of the school. In the case of fighting, all participants in the fight shall be liable for violation of this section (refer to FIGHTING)

  10. Threats made inside or outside of school which constitute a danger to the physical safety of pupils or personnel

  11. Harassment/bullying, sexual or other types of harassment.

  12. Inappropriate physical contact with staff or students

  13. Involvement in gang-related activity (refer to GANG-RELATED ACTIVITY)

  14. Possession, transfer, or use of actual or look-alike fireworks, smoke bombs, explosives, firearms, ammunition, or other dangerous weapons, including pepper spray and mace (refer to WEAPONS)

  15. Creating, attempting or participating in a false fire alarm

  16. Refusal to identify oneself or giving false identification

  17. Public display of affection

  18. Use or possession of tobacco products. Students under 18 years of age are also subject to a court date and fine as per community local ordinances and state law

  19. Sale, use, possession, transfer or evidence of  (including odor of) being under the influence of illegal drugs, controlled substances, or alcoholic beverages. This includes possession of paraphernalia and look-alike drugs (refer to USE OF DRUGS).

  20. Theft or possession of the property of the school, school personnnel, property of other students, or mislaid property, the removal or possession of property without permission of its owner, or the pilfering of another person’s possessions is forbidden. Causing damage to, attempting to cause damage to, stealing, or attempting to steal school property or another person’s property is forbidden.

  21. Intentionally damaging school property and or including, but not limited to: spray painting, toliet papering, inappropriate photos, live animals, and furniture and or property belonging to another person. Restitution and community service hours will be issued, along with the customary disciplinary action, as noted under the Disciplinary Measures section.

  22. Gambling: gaming to include wagering

  23. Cheating (refer to ACADEMIC DISHONESTY)

  24. Violating school driving/parking regulations. This includes contributing to the truancy of other students.

  25. Violating cafeteria regulations, including theft, and participating in line cutting or food fights.

  26. Violations of policies and procedures regarding utilization of computers, computer labs, and/or access to Internet (refer to TECHNOLOGY ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY)

  27. Any attempted or actual unauthorized participation in a school-sponsored event

  28. The wearing of unsafe or inappropriate attire and/or accessories (refer to DRESS CODE)

  29. Possession or use of laser pointers

  30. Inappropriate use of of electronic or communication devices. This includes but is not limited to cell phones, two-way radios, watches and/or ear buds (refer to ELECTRONIC DEVICE USAGE DURING THE SCHOOL DAY) Electronic device/Cell Phone Procedures 

  31. Tampering with the AED Device

  32. Forgery (refer to FORGERY)

  33. Pass / Form misuse

  34. Arson

  35. Trespassing

The grounds for disciplinary action, including those described more thoroughly later in this policy, apply whenever the student’s conduct is reasonably related to school or school activities, including but not limited to:
  1. On school grounds before, during and after school hours or at any other time when the school is being used by a school group;

  2. Off school grounds at a school-sponsored activity, event, or any other time when the school is being used by a school group;

  3. Traveling to or from school or a school activity, function or event or;

  4. Anywhere, as the conduct may reasonably be considered to be a threat, an attempted intimidation of a staff member, or an interference with school purposes or an educational function.

Discipline is progressive. However, even for a student’s first violation, the severity of an incident may warrant a more severe consequence, including the most severe available to the school. When it becomes necessary to penalize a student for his/her behavior, the following penalties may be invoked:
  1. Administrative Detentions

  2. Disciplinary conference

  3. Notification to parents(s) / guardian(s)

  4. Withholding of privileges

  5. Seizure of contraband

  6. ADA

  7. Removal from a classroom, activity, sport or event

  8. Notification to appropriate law enforcement agencies whenever the conduct involves illegal activity related to drugs (controlled substances), look-alikes, alcohol or weapons or whenever a law may have been broken that warrants police involvement. Police will be notified if there is a potential safety risk of significance.

  9. ADA for a period not to exceed 5 school days

  10. Suspension from school and all school activities for up to 10 days provided that the appropriate procedures are followed. A suspended student is prohibited from being on school grounds or within 1000 feet.

  11. Expulsion from school and all school-sponsored activities and events for a definite time period not to exceed 2 calendar years, provided that the appropriate measures are followed. An expelled student is prohibited from being on school grounds or within 1000 feet.

  12. Research paper or reflection paper on topic of violation

  13. Building / Activity / Event/ Hallway Restriction, such as, but not limited to, athletic events, weightlifting, dances, including prom, graduation. Violation of the restriction will warrant a restriction for an extended period of time, as determined by the Administration.

  14. Lunch detention at a length determined by the administration.

  15. Loss of parking privileges.

  16. May be removed from NHS.