RBHS Student Handbook » Electronic Device Usage During the School Day / Technology Policy

Electronic Device Usage During the School Day / Technology Policy

Electronical devices are not permitted on any student’s person from the beginning of the student’s first class of the day until dismissal from the student’s last class of the day, unless prior permission has been given by a staff member. Electronic device/Cell Phone Procedures 

Use of any electronic devices
- in any manner that disrupts the educational environment
- that violates the rights of others, including, but not limited to, using the device to take   photographs in classrooms, locker rooms, bathrooms, or at any school-sponsored function
- to cheat or otherwise violate student conduct rules related to students, staff, or school personnel is forbidden. Prohibited conduct specifically includes, without limitation, creating, sending, sharing, viewing, receiving, or possessing an indecent visual depiction of oneself or another person through the use of a computer, electronic communication device, or cellular phone. Unless otherwise banned under School Board Policy 7:190 or by the Building Principal, all electronic devices must be kept powered-off and out-of-sight during the regular school day unless: (a) the supervising teacher grants permission; (b) use of the device is provided in a student’s individualized education program (IEP); or (c) it is needed in an emergency that threatens the safety of students, staff, or other individuals. 
The use of personal devices that are only used to listen to music is allowed during the passing period when hallway music is normally played. At the “tardy” warning, the ear buds must be removed and stored completely out of sight. No ear buds are to be visible once a student has crossed the threshold of a classroom. 

All technology, such as cell phones, electronic tablets, or other electronic devices brought by a student into any learning environment must be placed in the ‘off’ position and out of normal sight, prior to crossing the threshold of that venue, unless prior approval has been given by the teacher, coach, or sponsor. 
No unauthorized technology or electronic devices will be permitted to be visible during any instructional time, including during quizzes and tests. 

Misuse of electronic devices of any kind will result in the device being confiscated for the first offense. For the second offense, the device will be confiscated and an Administrative Detention will be issued. Each additional offense will result in confiscation which will require a parent to pick up the device. Please note: Students may not be allowed to use a cell phone to call a parent to remove them from school for any reason. All such contact with parents may only take place on a school phone in one of the following locations: Student Health Services, Attendance Office, Student Services or the Main Office. 


This section applies to all “users” of the District’s electronic resources, including students and employees. 

Electronic networks, including the Internet, are a part of the District’s instructional program and serve to promote educational excellence by facilitating resource sharing, innovation, and communication. 

The term “technology” includes desktop computers, laptop computers, tablet computers, cell phones and smart phones, text messaging services, instant messaging services, and other technology, as well as any webpages or social media profiles, such as Internet forums, weblogs (or “blogs”), video logs (or “vlogs”), wikis, social networks and social media pages (such as Facebook, Twitter, and Snap Chat), podcasts, photograph and video sharing programs (such as YouTube and Instagram), rating websites, music-sharing websites, and crowdsourcing. 
The term “electronic resources” include, but are not limited to, the District’s electronic networks and information systems, such as the Internet, Wi-Fi, electronic data networks, and infrastructure for oral, visual, and written electronic communication, including electronic mail, text messaging, instant messaging, and chat programs. “Electronic resources” also include technology owned or licensed by the District and provided by the District for use by its employees or students, including, if offered, technology issued to students and/or employees (i.e., a “one-to-one” program), and District and District-authorized webpages and social media or websites. If a user accesses the District’s electronic resources, including Internet service or Wi-Fi, with a personal technology device, that use is also considered use of “electronic resources” that is covered by this AUTA. 

The term “user” includes any person who uses the District’s electronic resources, with or without District authorization, and may include students, parents, employees, contractors, and volunteers of the District. 

District students and employees are expected to act in a responsible, ethical, and legal manner in accordance with Federal and State law, District policy, and the District’s Acceptable Use of Technology Agreement (AUTA). 

Acceptable Use – General 
Only authorized users may access the District’s electronic resources. This includes connecting personal technology devices to the District’s electronic resources, including the Internet and Wi-Fi. 

Access to the District’s electronic resources is intended for educational and extra-curricular purposes and District business. Employees may use District electronic resources for incidental personal use during non-work times as long as that use complies with the other parameters of this AUTA and any implementing procedures and does not interfere with the employee’s job duties or the provision of education and services by the District. Students may only use the District’s electronic resources for incidental personal use during non-instructional times if the student is authorized to use the particular electronic resource at the time used, the use complies with the other parameters of this AUTA and any implementing procedures, and the use does not violate any other District policy or state or federal law, including 7:190 Student Discipline and implementing procedures. 

Users must take reasonable steps to protect the security of the District’s electronic resources. Among other things, users may not share passwords or allow others to access electronic resources using the user’s password or profile. Any user who becomes aware of a security breach must notify a District representative immediately.

Users are responsible for appropriately using the District’s electronic resources. If a user has questions about whether a particular use is acceptable, the user is expected to speak to a supervisor (for employees) or teacher or administrator (for students and all other users) before engaging in the particular use. 

Acceptable Use - District-Issued Technology (Including One-To-One Programs) 
The District may issue technology to users, including students and employees, for educational or extra-curricular purposes and/or District business, including through a one-to-one program. Use of District-issued technology is governed by this AUTA, including the Acceptable and Unacceptable Use provisions of this AUTA, regardless of when, where, or for what purpose the use occurs. This includes use that occurs outside of normal school hours (for students), before or after work times (for employees), for personal purposes, and/or off District property or away from related events or activities. 

The user is responsible for reasonable care of District-issued technology at all times during which the technology is issued to the user, regardless of whether the technology is on school property or at related events or activities. This includes the requirement that the user not allow others to use the technology without authorization from an administrator. The procedures implemented by the Superintendent or designee for this AUTA may contain further guidelines regarding responsible use, as may handbooks and other guidelines issued at the school level. Costs associated with repair or replacement of technology damaged as a result of a user’s failure to exercise reasonable care shall be the responsibility of the user, including any fees for insurance premiums and deductibles, regardless of whether the damage is caused by the user or a third party. Users may be required to obtain and/or pay for insurance for District-issued technology in order to be issued such technology by the District. 

Students may only use or access District-issued technology outside of school with parental or guardian supervision. The District is not responsible for unacceptable use of District-issued technology by students at any time, including outside of school, although students may face consequences for such misuse under this and other District policies. 

Acceptable Use – Personal Technology 
The Superintendent or designee may authorize staff and/or students to use personal technology for educational purposes, conducting District business, and/or extracurricular activities. When staff and/or students use personal technology for a purpose authorized by school personnel, the use of the personal technology is governed by the AUTA, all other District policies, and administrative procedures. Refer to Board Policies 5:125 Personal Technology and Social Media; Usage and Conduct, 6:235 Access to Electronic Networks, and 7:190 Student Discipline. 

Unacceptable Use – General 
Users are expected to conform to general expectations of norms outlined in this AUTA and other District policies when using the District’s electronic resources. This AUTA sets forth some general examples of unacceptable use, but does not attempt to set forth all prohibited uses. The following are examples of uses of the District’s electronic resources that are strictly prohibited:
Any use at a time or in manner that is not authorized or approved, or in a manner that causes or reasonably could be foreseen to cause a substantial and material disruption to the educational environment or invasion of the rights of others;
  • Knowingly or recklessly causing a security breach or disruption of service to an individual or system;

  • Damaging District electronic resources or the electronic resources of others via District electronic resources, including accessing or attempting to access any content to which the user is not authorized, including “hacking”;

  • Misrepresenting one’s identity or using another person’s password, user profile, or technology or allowing another to use one’s identity, password, or technology without authorization;

  • Any use in a manner that violates State or federal law including using materials that are subject to intellectual property laws, such as copyright and trademark laws, without authorization;

  • Any use that violates any Board policy, including policies addressing bullying, harassment, and hazing, and student and employee discipline policies or codes of conduct;

  • Publishing or transmitting private information, including photographic, video, and audio depictions of others, without authorization;

  • Any transmission, access, creation, or transmission of material that is sexually graphic or explicit, obscene, threatening, intimidating, abusive, harassing, or otherwise indecent, or that reasonably could be interpreted as promoting illegal activity, including illegal drug use;

  • Any use for a commercial purpose where the user does not have the express written authorization of the Superintendent or designee;

  • Uploading or downloading material, including software, without express authorization of a member of the District’s technology staff;

  • Accessing or participating in any games without the express authorization of a supervisor (for employees) or teacher or administrator (for students and other users), or using the District’s electronic resources for more than incidental personal use;

  • Providing personal information, including photographs, about themselves or another; and

  • Any attempt to do any of the above. 

A user should notify the District’s Complaint Manager or Nondiscrimination Coordinator immediately under Board Policy 2:260 Uniform Grievance Procedure upon receipt of a communication through the District’s electronic resources that the user believes is inappropriate or that makes the user feel threatened or uncomfortable. 
Consequences of Violating AUTA 
The activities covered by this policy are privileges, not rights. The District reserves the right to place reasonable limits and prohibitions on such privileges. Failure to comply with this AUTA and any implementing administrative procedures, handbooks, or guidelines may lead to the loss of such privileges and may lead to other consequences including discipline, referral for civil and/or criminal prosecution, and any other consequence authorized by law. 

The District’s ability to impose consequences for violations of this AUTA is not limited to conduct that occurs on District property, at school related events and activities, or during school/business hours. For example, student or employee misconduct on technology may lead to consequences under this AUTA or other District policies and procedures if the conduct materially and substantially interferes with, disrupts, or adversely affects the school environment, school operations, or an educational function, including conduct that may reasonably be considered to: (a) be a threat or an attempted intimidation of an employee; or (b) endanger the health or safety of students, employees, or school property, regardless of when or where that misconduct occurs. 

No Expectation of Privacy 
Users of the District’s electronic resources have no expectation of privacy with respect to use of the District’s electronic resources, including access of the District’s Internet or Wi-Fi using personal technology, or with respect to any material created, transmitted, accessed, or stored via District electronic resources. This includes material created, transmitted, accessed, or stored for personal use, including incidental personal use, on or through the District’s electronic resources. The District reserves the right to monitor users’ activities on District electronic resources at any time for any reason without prior notification; to access, review, copy, store, and/or delete any electronic information accessed or stored therein; and to disclose such information to others as it deems necessary and/or as required by law. Users should be aware that information may remain on the District’s electronic resources even after it has been deleted by the user. This section of this policy may only be altered through amendment of this policy, and may not be altered or diminished by the verbal or written assurances of any employee or representative of the District.

Sending, receiving, or possessing sexually explicit or otherwise inappropriate pictures or images, commonly known as “sexting” is prohibited while on school campus, or using District technology. Prohibited conduct specifically includes, without limitation, creating, sending, sharing, viewing, receiving, or possessing an indecent visual depiction of oneself or another person through the use of a computer, electronic communication device, or cellular phone.

Social Network Passwords – (See Board Policy 7:140)
Social networking website means an Internet-based service that allows students to: (1) construct a public or semi-public profile within a bounded system created by the service; (2) create a list of other users with whom they share a connection within the system; and (3) view and navigate their list of connections and those made by others within the system.
  1. School officials may not request or require a student or his or her parent/guardian to provide a password or other related account information to gain access to the student’s account or profile on a social networking website.

  2. School officials may conduct an investigation or require a student to cooperate in an investigation if there is specific information about activity on the student’s account on a social networking website that violates a school disciplinary rule or policy. In the course of an investigation, the student may be required to share the content that is reported in order to allow school officials to make a factual determination.

If the school becomes aware of postings on websites outside the school computer network, students may be assigned consequences for postings that cause school students or staff members to feel threatened or compromised in their ability to perform their responsibilities or that show students to be in violation of school rules or the law. Such actions may be taken in response to postings containing threats, bullying, inappropriate pictures, allegations of inappropriate behavior, or such other content as is likely to cause disruption in the school. Local law enforcement may be contacted to consider pressing charges against those responsible. Parents will be notified via phone or email.