
Your student’s regular attendance in the building is vital to their academic success. On the rare occasion that an absence or early dismissal during the school day is necessary, this information must be communicated to our Attendance Office. A new feature in our Skyward system enables parents/guardians to enter their student’s attendance and early dismissal through the Skyward Parent Portal without having to email/call the school attendance email/phone number. Please see the steps below for further instructions on accessing this feature.
Student absences may still be communicated to (708) 442-7500 Ext. 2191 and [email protected]. Early dismissals can be communicated to 708-442-7500 Ext: 2380. As a reminder, students may use up to five parentally excused absences per semester. After these five absences, a doctor’s note must accompany each additional absence in order to be excused. Students may not be able to make up work missed during unexcused absences. Please send all doctor’s notes excusing absences to [email protected].

- Parents/guardians must call the Attendance Office, (708) 442-7500 Ext. 2191, the day before the student is to leave the building for the appointment. On those rare occasions when there is an unavoidable last-minute reason for removing a student from school, a call from the parent / guardian must be made at least 30 minutes before the requested release time to allow the Attendance Office sufficient time to contact the student.
- If any documentation is needed for a planned early release, (medical appointment, etc.) the student must report to the Attendance Office at the start of the school day and provide proper paperwork for early release approval.
- Students must report to the Attendance Office and sign out.
- Students may not be allowed to contact parents using their cell phones to obtain permission for early release; all such calls must be made in one of the following locations: Student Health Services, Attendance Office, Student Services or the Assistant Principal’s Office.
It is the parent’s or guardian’s responsibility to call the Attendance Office by 10:00 a.m. on the day of the absence for the student to receive full make-up privileges. Parents or guardians may report absences by calling the RBHS Attendance Line, (708) 442-7500 Ext. 2191, 24 hours a day. Failure to call within 24 hours of the absence will result in an unexcused absence. Any deviation from this procedure must be discussed with the Dean and is the parent’s or guardian’s responsibility. Only calls from parents or legal guardians will be accepted. The following information must be provided to excuse the absence for valid cause:
Parent / Guardian must identify themselves
Student name
Reason for the absence
If a parent/legal guardian anticipates being out of town and, therefore, will be unable to provide official notification of a student absence, the parent/legal guardian must provide written documentation of the adult designated to approve student absences. This written notification must be turned into the Attendance Office prior to the parent/legal guardian leaving town.
Most commonly used Attendance Codes:
E - excused (attendance office was notified by parent/guardian)
W - waived/excused (attendance office was notified by parent/guardian & documentation provided)
U - unverified (attendance office was NOT notified by parent/guardian)
C - cut (all unverified absences become cuts in Skyward two weeks following the absence)
K - unexcused (attendance office was notified by parent/guardian, but not excusable)