High School Administration » Deans


Cara Weinberg
Dean of Students
Direct: 442 - 9666 Ext: 2109  Email: weinbergc (@rbhs208.net)

Alberto Jaquez
Dean of Students
Direct: 442 - 9766 Ext: 2267  Email: jaqueza (@rbhs208.net)
The deans are responsible for monitoring student attendance and tardies; processing truancy cases with Riverside Police Officers; overseeing detentions; supervising student co-curricular events; and collaborating with and supervising security personnel. The deans are also responsible for participating on Student Services Support Teams; for assisting with the Student Handbook and Discipline Code; for assisting with building safety, including Crisis Plan revisions and implementation; and for assisting with Fire and Disaster Drills. Additionally, the deans assist with student behavior interventions and character education initiatives such as RtI and PBIS. The dean will also attend the annual Illinois State Deans’ Convention.