Daily Bark Friday, December 8, 2023

Attention Entrepreneurs!

Do you have a product or service that you would like to showcase at the Entrepreneur Fair next semester? If so, please scan the QR code on the flyer that you see around the school - or - see Mrs. Sarkady for more information. This is a time for you to show off your brand. There will be an opportunity for you to sell or take orders if you choose. There will also be a runway for all of you with clothing brands! Don’t miss out on this opportunity! Scan the code or see Mrs. Sarkady, room 157.


Club photo day for the yearbook is on Thursday, December 14th. If you are involved in a club or activity, check with your activity sponsor to find out more details. The schedule for the day is posted by the main office, outside the cafeteria, the auditorium, and room 265. All photos will be taken in the Auditorium. Make sure to wear your club shirt or other RB spirit wear for your photo on Thursday, December 14th.


If you are interested in auditioning for our Spring Musical, Guys and Dolls, audition packets are out today! You will be required to sign up for both a vocal audition on Monday, December 11th and a dance audition on Tuesday, December 12th. Sign-up sheets and audition packets will be available in the music area. Any questions? See Mrs. Fischer, Mrs. Johnson, or Ms. Smetana. 


Attention seniors! Please check your school email for links to submit your senior yearbook quote and to vote for senior superlatives for the yearbook. Your quotes and superlative voting ballots are due Monday, December 18th by 8:00 am. Contact Mrs. Marsh with any questions.
