Student Bulletin Friday November 3, 2017


The Cross Country Fan Bus to Peoria scheduled for Saturday morning has been cancelled.


Boys Basketball Tryouts are coming up on Monday, November 6th.  Freshman and Sophomore at 3:30 and Varsity at 5:30.  If interested, please attend an informational meeting today at 3:15pm in Room 104.  You must be registered on the 8 to 18 RBHS athletics website and have a physical on file in the athletic office to tryout.  Any questions, see Coach Reingruber in Student Services.


Hangout is an after school homework support group that meets Monday through Thursday from 3:05-4:00pm. Everyone Welcome!

Thank you to everyone who participated in yesterday's Blood Drive.  As a school we set a new record...with the total donations of 127 pints of blood, which helps 381 people!  This is an amazing total, thank you again to all who donated, tried to donate but were deferred and those who volunteered!  You all should be proud of your participation in this extremely important event that saves lives. The next Blood Drive will be hosted on Wednesday, February 28.  
