Student Bulletin Wednesday, November 2, 2016


CONGRATULATIONS TO THE FRESHMAN CLASS FOR WINNING THE QUARTER 1 ATTENDANCE CHALLENGE with an overall attendance rate of 96.99%. This Friday the entire Freshman Class will be rewarded with free ice cream during your lunch periods. Please bring your ID to lunch to claim your prize.


WORLD LANGUAGE CLUBS WILL PLAY FOR THEIR ANNUAL SOCCER TOURNAMENT on Thursday at 3:10 on the baseball field. Come ready to play and/or cheer. All are welcome. May the best win!


TODAY IS THE BLOOD DRIVE. If you are donating please arrive at the East Gym at your appointment time and hopefully you remembered to eat breakfast today, and continue to drink a lot of water.  Your donation can save up to THREE lives!!!!  See Ms Ziola in Room 215 or Ms Koehler in Room 114 with any questions.  THANK YOU!!


WANT FREE TUTORING? Come to room 136 Mondays and Tuesdays after school and Wednesdays and Fridays before school for homework help from National Honor Society students.


THIS IS A REMINDER FOR ANIME CLUB MEMBERS to bring $10 to Ms. Tomecek in room 136 if interested in getting a t-shirt. The order will go out at the end of this week!


EVERY TUESDAY STUDENTS CAN REDEEM THEIR HERO POINTS DURING ALL LUNCH PERIODS. If you have hero points you  would like to redeem for prizes please see Mr. Mannon or Ms. Sullivan in the cafeteria.

THE BULLDOG BOOK CLUB BOOKS ARE IN! Come see Mrs. Phillips in the library if you'd like to borrow a copy of Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children to read for our next meeting.  All are welcome to join us in our discussion before school on Thursday, November 10.




The following college reps will be here the week of October 31st to November 4th: Marquette University, Drake University, Michigan State, and St. Ambrose University.  If you are interested in meeting with one of these reps, please sign up through Naviance.
