Daily Bark Friday, April 12, 2024

Today is the Day of Silence. Started in the 90s by two college students, the Day of Silence began as a day to recognize the harassment and discrimination of LGBTQ students. This day has grown to be a nationally recognized student-led protest for the rights of the LGBTQ community, especially students. More than 800 anti-LGBTQ bills were introduced last year, making the Day of Silence more important than ever. Join GSA and the worldwide LGBTQ community in remaining silent today to show your solidarity. 

Good morning, Bulldogs.  Don’t forget… tomorrow morning is Community Service Day from 9 am until noon. Meet over in Riverside’s Guthrie Park (near the Library), be ready to get dirty, and bring your water bottle. You’ll earn service hours and make a big impact on our local parks!  


Hi bakers! We will be resuming baking club after school on Monday, April 15th in the cafeteria. We'll be making lemon scones, so feel free to bring a friend so they can enjoy them too! The sign-up form is on the Remind.


Want to win a $100 Amazon gift card and RB merch? Submit an entry to the Concession Stand Naming Contest for the indoor and outdoor concession stands! The two best names will serve as the official designation for the concession stands and appear on a banner near the serving window. The deadline to submit an entry is April 19th.


Attention all freshman, sophomore, and junior students: You will be taking the digital SAT and PSAT exams on Tuesday, April 16th. All students are expected to be in their assigned rooms before 8:00 a.m. on testing day.


It is important that all students are aware of the following:

  1. You must bring your school-issued AND fully-charged Chromebook to the exam. No personal devices will be allowed in the testing room. 
  2. If you are concerned about your Chromebook's battery, please bring your Chromebook charger. Outlets will be limited.
  3. Bring a pen or pencil for scratch work. The school will provide scratch paper.
  4. Bring a snack and/or drink for the exam, to be placed under your desk at all times.
  5. Do not bring an internet-enabled device like your cell phone or smartwatch. These will be confiscated at the beginning of the exam.

Please see Mr. Helgeson in room 277 with any questions.


Juniors and seniors, if you are planning on going to Prom, tickets are now available for purchase in the Business Office and guest permission slips are available in the Main Office. The last day to purchase tickets is April 19th.


Seniors, if you haven’t ordered your cap and gown for graduation.  Please go to the website… getgradstuff.com and order it as soon as possible.


Thank you to everyone who has brought in pop tops this week. The total amount so far is 51 pounds which equals over 64,000 pop tops.

The current POP TOPS leaders are:

  • Freshmen - Mikayla Hogue
  • Sophomore - Erica Hill
  • Junior - x
  • Senior -  Cameron Dominick

Please keep bringing in pop tops to room 211 or room 215 through Thursday, April 25th.
