Daily Bark Tuesday, May 23, 2023


Thousands of asylum seekers, namely mothers and small children from countries including Venezuela, Colombia, Honduras, and more have arrived in the Chicagoland area in recent weeks. We are looking to the RB community for help by donating essential items such as toiletries/hygiene items, NEW undergarments and socks, diapers, baby formula, blankets, and sleeping bags. We will collect these items in the Atrium before school until Friday, May 26. Please see the flyers posted around the school for more information!

Do you still need to pick up your yearbook? Go to Mrs. Marsh’s classroom (room 262) before or after school, or during the break between finals, to pick up your yearbook. Yearbooks will NOT be given out during final exam periods. 

Rockefeller Parking Application for next year can be found on the  RBHS website. All applications must be submitted by Friday, June 30, 2023.
