Daily Bark Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Attention students - homework hangout will not be running after school today.


Ärt Club will meet today after school in room 248.  Students are welcome to join at any time.  Bring a friend and get into the Halloween - Day of the Dead Spirit!


For anyone interested in joining the wrestling team this winter, there will be a meeting at 3:20pm on Thursday, October 28th in the wrestling room. Please attend. See Coach Curby in rm. 216 with any questions.


People are like colors: They come in all shades and are all beautiful in their own way. Help celebrate the things that make us unique by wearing tie-dye on Wednesday, October 27th. By embracing our differences, we grow one step closer together.” Brought to you by GSA, AST, and Peer Mediators. 


Attention Juniors and Seniors!

Are you thinking about attending Triton College and what it has to offer?  You can sign up to attend one or more viewing parties at RB, on the programs and related careers options offered by Triton. Information and details on the sign-up will be sent to your email by the end of the day.


Thanks for participating in our lunch activity yesterday - we received some great responses on what Inclusion and Kindness mean to you! Here are some facts surrounding the incidence of bullying: According to the National Center for Educational Statistics, one out of 5 students report being bullied, and among students who reported being bullied at school, 15% were bullied online or by text. If you see or know someone who is being bullied, you can help by telling a staff member, telling the bully to stop (if it’s safe to do so), and/or completing an anonymous Bullying Report available on the RBHS website. 

Tomorrow is Tie-Dye day!


Attention girl's interested in trying out for basketball this season. Tryouts will be held Monday and Tuesday, November 1st and 2nd. You must sign up for tryouts through RBHS 8 to18. If you have any questions contact Coach Mack or Coach Jarrel. 


Hey you! Interested in being a part of the 6th Man Band? Want to play music that you love, ON STAGE for a crowd at the Boys Varsity Home Basketball games??  If so, then sign up to audition! Auditions will be held Monday, November 8th AND Wednesday, November 10th starting at 3:15pm by appointment. Audition sign-up sheets and more detailed information are posted on Mrs. Kelley’s Room door, Room 213. Please see Mrs. Kelley for any questions.