Attendance Documents » Attendance Info for Parents

Attendance Info for Parents

At Riverside Brookfield High School we believe student attendance is an integral part of the educational process. We also believe classroom learning can never be fully replicated outside the school day; therefore, it is in the student's best interest to miss as few classes as possible. 
The Dean’s Office will strengthen relationships with teachers, coaches, sponsors, parents, and students to promote the importance of daily attendance. Students who have exceptional attendance will be recognized through our school-wide PBS initiative that rewards students for positive behaviors. Additionally, the Dean’s Office will implement the following to improve attendance:
● The Dean’s Office will contact families of students who have five, and ten absences. Consequences will be determined by the absence number and type (excused/unexcused).
● Absence reports for students who have ten or more absences will be distributed as applicable to the following departments: special education, student services, athletics, and music/band. In this way, students will be encouraged by many staff members to attend school regularly.

● After a student has been absent five times, a doctor’s note will be required to excuse each subsequent illness-related absence. 

● An unverified absence occurs when a student is not in the assigned classroom when a teacher takes attendance. Any student with an unverified absence will be issued an ADL. It is the student’s responsibility to follow up with the Dean’s Office if the absence is incorrectly entered as unverified. 

● Seniors who do not have unverified absences or cuts for any period will have opportunities for final exam exemptions during senior year. 
Please refer to the RB Student Handbook for more information.

Two deans serve in the main office: Mrs. Cara Weinberg and Mr. Alberto Jaquez. Thank you in advance for your efforts for a great school year.